Tips For Nervous First Time Drivers

When you pass the road test to get your G2 license in Ontario and drive for the first time alone. It’s very hard for some new drivers because they are not use to driving alone. Without the guidance of the driving instructor beside you makes it little difficult because...

What You Need to Know About Guelph and Driving School

Guelph is a city located in Canada, more specifically Southwestern Ontario. Guelph is also referred to as “The Royal City”. The city is one of the cleanest and safest cities in the country and also enjoys a very high standard of living. The city has also been ranked...

Driving Safety Tips to Stay Protected On the Road

A lot of road accidents occur between different vehicles every day. Most of them are so fatal that they result in the death of involved individuals. About 41,000 people die annually due to car accidents and even more are injured. According to a survey, 3,236,000...

How to Pass Your Driving Test the First Time

Moving on into the teens, every child is caught by an urge to sit behind a wheel and explore the road on their own without a care for the world. Of course, it’s best done legally but for that one must pass a road test in order to acquire a license to drive. Passing...